Welcome to the NHS. The objectives of the NHS as defined in our constitution are to encourage interest and promote improvement in horticulture by:

- Holding meetings respecting the theory and practice of horticulture;
- Encouraging the planting of trees, shrubs, and flowers on private and public grounds;
- Promoting outdoor art, public beautification, balcony and plot gardening;
- Arranging field trips, contests, competitions, and exhibitions related to horticulture and by awarding prizes;
- Distributing seeds, plants, bulbs, flowers, trees and shrubs;
- Promoting the protection of the environment;
- Promoting the circulation of horticulture information through any media and
- Encouraging youth in horticulture.

NOTICE: Please check our monthly newsletter and Facebook page for current updates.

Flower Shows

The NHS hosts three Flower Shows which are formally judged in accordance with the "Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards" each year: the Spring Flower Show, the June Flower and Edibles Show, and the Fall Flower and Edibles Show.

NHS Plant Sale 

Photo by bfearon/iStock / Getty Images

Get your potted plants and seedlings here! Every Spring and Fall, the NHS hosts a plant sale with plants contributed by members. Families and non-members welcome. 

Community Projects

 NHS members and friends volunteer their time to maintain garden plots throughout the community including the Nepean Museum, retirement homes, churches and schools. 

“Since becoming a member of the Nepean Horticulture Society I have learned many useful techniques that enable me to better maintain my garden, flowerbeds, and yard.” ~J. DeMan