Community Projects & Events
The NHS works to complete their own initiatives and objectives but also strives to support the OHA and other local horticultural projects. Members join together for charitable work, garden tours and special events. Please explore the opportunities below and add any dates of interest to your calendar for future reference.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are required for a variety of community projects. Please contact if you are interested in helping out.
Butterfly Ranger Program
The NHS has recently been accepted as a participant in the 2021 Butterfly Ranger Program organized by the David Suzuki Foundation. Across, Canada, 1000 participating groups will attempt to establish a minimum of 12 pollinator patches or gardens in their respective communities by October.
More details will be forthcoming in the days and weeks ahead, but if you would like to assist in establishing such gardens as a volunteer gardener and/or as a host of a patch on your property, please contact me at
One of the goals of the project is to coordinate with other groups in the Ottawa area and create butterfly pathways or corridors. Such corridors have been established in Vancouver and Toronto.
The pollinator patches have no minimum size, but they must include a minimum of 50% native plants such as the ones listed in this link. In reviewing the list, you may discover you already have such a patch!
One suggestion for creating a pollinator patch is to re-purpose old canoes filled with soil and seeded with plants. If you have one that that you would like to contribute to the project, we may just find a home for it.