Welcome to the NHS
The Nepean Horticultural Society (NHS) was established in 1957 in the City View area of what was then Nepean Township to encourage interest and improvement in horticulture.
We are an affiliate of the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) that supports a regular newsletter, an awards system, and learning opportunities at meetings and conventions. The NHS is a part of District 2 through the OHA which offers opportunities to enter flower, photographic, and artistic competitions with other societies.
NHS is incorporated under the Ontario Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act and operates with Officers and a Board of Directors.
NHS Objectives:
The objectives of the NHS as defined in our constitution are to encourage interest and promote improvement in horticulture as outlined in the annual Membership handbook and on our home page.
Each year, NHS members contribute to the society and the surrounding community. Volunteer hours are reported to the Government of Ontario to receive supporting grant money.
Speakers & Events:
NHS Speakers & Events include presentations by topical experts, garden tours, mini shows, plant sales, photography competitions, and flower shows.